Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Press Release Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Press Release - Essay ExampleSimultaneously a warrant was served on Weinmans mothers house. The police searched the mothers house, plus a shed in the backyard fit to The Miami Herald. No reports are available on what, if anything, the cops seized.Weinman hired attorney David Macey, who spoke with WSVN-Channel 7 according to The Miami Herald. David Macey proclaimed his clients innocence. Macey will be ready for the arraignment tentatively set on Monday. Weinmans security was set at $154,500, which has not yet been met.Weinmans downfall occurred when he signed up for a Facebook group called Catch the Cat Killer reports The Miami Herald. More than 1,000 members had joined this group in hopes of spewching the cat killer.A news conference was held this morning. Three police agencies worked this case. One Miami-Dade Police Major was Julie moth miller. Apparently Miller tracked Weinman on tips from the local communities posts on Facebook, YouTube, and MySpace. What led to the arrest is the community talking and bringing us information, Miller said The Miami Herald states.No motive was suggested for the horrible attacks. Weinmans parents are divorced biography in the area. Apparently the immature felt comfortable in the area where the cats were found mutilated, since his mother and bring lived in the areas. A report had been mentioned at a community meeting about a teen living between two homes in the two communities where the attacks occurred. Weinmans parents have not released any comments.Weinman has had several(prenominal) run in with the laws before reports The Miami Herald. Apparently Weinman had been arrested twice as a juvenile on occult charges. As recently as May 29, Weinman was arrested for possession of marijuana.Profilers advised the police to look for a loner, Jeffery Dahmer type. So the whole community was surprised by Weinmans arrest. Weinman was a Swim Gym Aquatic summer Camp counselor, a class

Monday, April 29, 2019

The Case of Mann Gulch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

The teddy of Mann Gulch - Essay ExampleMr. Dodge is seen to portray poor leadership in a figure of ways. First and foremost, he took out his team on a mission without even proper familiarization with his cabal members. He never knew even the names of the crew members but was supposed to command them. He precisely came to learn of their names in the field. Secondly, he was a quiet person which even made it had for him to work mutual and collaborative interactions with his crew. Thirdly, he never kept his crew intact by providing unified leadership. thither were many cases of disunity that he was not sensitive to. Lastly, he was supposed to make his crew aware of his decisions which left(p) them wondering the reason why he was lighting a backfire. Their decisions were out of ignorance. Some other stack see the fault to this problem in poor training of the crew members. Despite the fact that flock jumpers are highly trained individuals, the crew on the Mann Gulch fire case lacke d experience in firefighting. Most of the people on the crew were young people who had lacked any form of experience in firefighting fire. This explains the reason why they panic was too high for them making them come up with wrong decisions. In this case, research made by urban fighters on the performance of firefighters showed that experienced firefighters have their performance alter nether high stress and uncertainty while those inexperienced have their performance decline under such conditions. This level of panic was also amplified by the level of disintegration witnessed in the crew. In such a case, it is very difficult to follow orders. On matters of recommended approaches, it is important that crew leadership familiarizes with crew members and sustain on collaborative operation before setting out on a mission.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Relationship between theory and practice in human resource management Essay

Relationship between theory and practice in human pick focussing - Essay ExampleIn order for employees to improve their output, they have to be do.Motivation in itself takes legion(predicate) forms.But motivation must be seen to be taking place lots than just by the ledger of mouth.The human resource practitioners must understand the fact that different human resource persons are motivated by different motivators. As others may be motivated by interrupt pay, others would be motivated if the working environment is conducive. Therefore it is important to understand the nature of each employee for motivation to be practically enhanced. Their areas of interest need be identified and motivation geared towards improving that area.The human resource practitioners give the axe on a continuous basis give out questionnaires asking the employees questions such as - where the management made improvements within the organizations area they fell should be improved etc. These should then b e acted upon by management. By doing this the employees feel that they are part and parcel of the organization and this utmostly motivates them. Management should go to the limit of rewarding good performer in monetary terms, in kind e.g. by dint of promotions etc. This would coiffure everyone in the organization to work harder and achieve higher results. Other areas where motivation can be better shown in practice include better health and safety - No one likes working in unhygienic and unsafe conditions. Management should protect the employees from hazardous conditions... Practically the training and development must be seen in motion. Employees should be asked by dint of their seniors to identify their training needs after which resources are set parenthesis for training. This should then be related to promotions in the work place because employees will see the essence of training. out -the job exercise and motivations - Motivation can be further enhanced practically by man agers through annual leaves by employees as this allows them to relax their mindsTheory and Practice of Management Performance Management and assessmentPerformance management is the close monitoring of employees results over sentence. Appraisal is the rating on the performance. 3It is not abounding to theoretically apply performance management and appraisal.Performance appraisal starts with targets which the management has set. These should neither be too low nor too high. The employees would be rated on what they have achieved as compared with the expected/ targeted results.Not only should the final results be measured but also the time span at which they have been achieved. Clock cards should be introduced in the organization to indicate at what time they reported and the time they left, since idle time affects the level of performance achieved. The performance of one individual can also be checked by another. This is the system referred to as internal checks. It is mostly app lied in written work -pieces where on employee peruses through the others work. It also gives an employee the opportunity to learn from others thus improving his own performance and output. Performance management should necessitate getting feedback from the clients/ customers or any other stakeholders of the organization. Suggestion boxes can be

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Planning Facilitating Supporting and Evaluating Learning Assignment

Planning Facilitating Supporting and Evaluating Learning - Assignment ExampleThese are an ability to (1) demonstrate trueness in handling hemodynamic equipment (2) analyze and interpret trends from the data output and (3) apply knowledge of minimum standards for tolerant safety while on hemodynamic observe.A combination of available paper or cardboard maps and diagrams in the nurse school library was used with mentor- on the watch tarpaulin charts including (1) 8 ft x 8 ft size of the complete haemodynamic monitoring equipment set up (2) arterial pressure waveform chart (3) haemodynamic pressures chart (4) normal haemodynamic values (5) diagram of pulmonary artery catheter and parts (6) pulmonary artery pressure and wedge waveforms chart, and (7) swan Ganz, catheterization. Charts are expected to facilitate students comprehension of the subject matter through clear visuals.Videos pertaining to practice-based skills were prepared to facilitate synergy of learning and skills gaine d through classroom instruction and clinical setting observation and practicum. Videos in any case reinforce knowledge gained during lecture.Since a textbook was assigned, only handouts of lessons from reference books not available in the nursing school library were provided. Aside from this, handouts of prepared reading materials were also provided. Articles from journals regarding recent research on hemodynamic monitoring were also provided as handouts.Memory cards or handy tips about nursing responsibilities during hemodynamic monitoring were printed in board paper and laminated in the form of bookmarks. At the back of the tip is a personal means from the mentor regarding her desire to be a mentor, friend, and confidant of the student. These were distributed to students in the course of the module. Figure 1 shows atomic number 53 of such handy tips given out to students.Powerpoint presentations pertaining nursing responsibilities in hemodynamic monitoring were prepared. With t he use of figures and other visuals, storage of important nursing.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Standard Battles in Media Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Standard Battles in Media Industry - analyze ExampleThis is known as interoperability, and is important for the developer as well as the consumer. As the necessity for interoperability results from general innovation, it also facilitates such innovation (Digital TV over Broadband, 1). Yet in todays high-technological industry, these innovators and developers atomic number 18 faced with challenges when adoptions of standards cause imminent. The rigors of standard adoption procedures, including the very real possibility of standard wars, can place these companies in positions that beat back drastic action. Because of the ability of standards to affect welfare and economic development, even governmental bodies sometimes see the learn to become involved in setting standard. It is therefore often the case that applied science companies move in and out of technological arenas based on outcomes of these standard-establishing battles.Consumers and manufacturers take keen interest in t he interoperability of technological components that bring about similar or complementary functions. It is, for example, very important that appliances plug into electric socket and that pencils fit into sharpeners. This is one of the benefits of standards, and it offers a significantly large incentive for the acquisition of a product. Likewise, manufacturers pay close attention to standards when conducting research and development, as the existence of these standards often guides the direction of development and sets parameters in which such innovation can take place. Standards are capable of removing much of the risk involved in research and development, as a certain get along of certainty is conferred upon a project in the knowledge that it cannot be rejected on such chiliad that are held by the standard to which it adheres. When companies are certain of a market for their products, they are likely to be confident in producing new and variable products. Also, security in the m arket allows for the dedication of time and fill to such ventures as improvement of technology and reduction of expense (van Tassel, 2001).The interaction of consumers, manufacturers, standard-setting committees and sometimes the government is amenable for the ultimate adoption of standards, and several models for such action exist. Adoption of standards under de facto condition involves sponsorship by these technology companies, and it is these that are mainly determining of the fate or direction of the companies. However, adoption through industry consensus is mathematical and may also affect the companies future. Especially in the case of de facto standards, several models exist for adoption proceedings, and examples for each(prenominal) exist empirically in the actions of several real companies around the world (Stango, 2004). Technological innovation has, as mentioned earlier, much to do with the establishment of standards. Since standards can determine the direction (or ev en survival) of technology companies, it can be seen then that innovation is a very important part of the life of any such company. Backward-compatible software gave RCA the edge in the CBS v RCA bid for the adoption of their version of the colored television set as the network standard in the United States. RCA was the official distributor of the standard black-and-white television sets in the country, but alongside the incumbent, the CBS network had been developing a mechanical colored television (Shapiro & Varian, 1999). RCA was much pokey in its development of an electronic colored televisio

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Comcept Analysis Topic Compliance in Nursing and allied Healthcare Essay

Comcept Analysis division Compliance in Nursing and allied Health bring off - Essay ExampleIt cannot be denied that safe medicament is a part of the patients practical healing process. In lieu of this, do nurses really have to f ar of the processes of self medicine so that they too can eventually share the information to their future patientsNurses carry the largest single component of hospital staff, they are the primary providers of hospital patient care, and they deliver most of the nations long-run care. Most health care services involve some form of care by nurses. Although 60 percent of all employed Registered Nurses (RNs) pass water in hospitals, many are employed in a wide range of other settings, including private practices, public health agencies, primary care clinics, home health care, outpatient surgicenters, health maintenance organizations, nursing-school-operated nursing centers, insurance and managed care companies, nursing homes, schools, mental health agencie s, hospices, the military, and industry. Other nurses work in careers as college and university educators preparing future nurses or as scientists developing advances in many areas of health care and health promotion (http//nursing.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htmsite=http//www.aacn.nche.edu/education/Career.htm, 2004).With these very special functions of nurses, it is then became imperative for them to memorise additional skills and knowledge that would help them in the successful attainment of all the nurses common goal, hence, the safe medicine management should be imparted as additional skills for nurses.All nurses have been taught with the fivesome advanceds of medication administration. The right patient, the right drug, the right dose, the right routine and the right time are the very foundation from which nurses practice safely when administrating medications to the patients in any health care setting (http//www.lklnd.usf.edu/Colleges/Nursing/nursing.html, 2005).Just as nurses know the five rights of medication administration, they should also know the safe medication management techniques, which will surely guide nurses as they continue to care for patients despite these turbulent times. (http//www.lklnd.usf.edu/Colleges/Nursing/nursing.html, 2005). The six safety medication management practices are as follows Complete and Clearly Written OrderAny nurse should know that they should always attend to to it that they have order which is complete and clearly written. They have the right to require that the drug, dose, route and frequency be written by the physician. All of these components must be present for a physician order to be considered complete (http//www.lklnd.usf.edu/Colleges/Nursing/nursing.html, 2005).Correct Drug Route and Dose DispensedNurses administer medications but it is the pharmacys transaction to dispense medications correctly. A recommendation from the Massachusetts Hospital Coalition states that a unit dose placement of medic ation can decrease the number of medication errors. Many hospitals have adopted this system of medication administration (http//www.lklnd.usf.edu/Colleges/Nursing/nursing.html, 2005). Access to InformationNurses should be updated and have an easy accessible drug information. This pith that the hospital formulary, a Physicians Desk Reference and a current nursing drug reference book learn

Textiles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

textiles - Essay ExampleThe model is heavier and thicker comp atomic number 18d to most opposite fabrics. The thickness and weight is depending on some issues such as the novel story used. The thick social organization and heavy weight of the fabric are caused by the fact that the novel story used for the fabric has a different structure and form which in most cases includes multithreads used for the yarn (Sekhri, 2012).The texture of the fabric is rough, unlike most other fabrics which are smoother. It is however not very rough, while the degree or roughness may depend on the individual fabric and based in the novelty yarn used.As stated, the yarn used for the fabric is the novelty yarn which comes in different structures and types. There are a number of novelty yarns with different structures and designs. These include the ply yarn, the Core, Eyelash, Boucl Ribbon, Chenille, Crepe yarns. Each type of yarn is based on a differentThe structure of the novelty fabric is complex and according to the India Textile Journal (2014), this comes from the fact that the yarn used many have a number of threads do into one. The multiply yarn for instance has three because sewn into one and this makes the fabric to have a differed structure. The ply yarn, named so die to its three plies of threads, ahs these threads, each thread having this purpose such as whirl strength, design and merging (Strong, 1953). This gives the fabric a novelty form of structure.The cup of tea of the fabric emanates from the structure which is a raised structure with a rough feel. Ironing this garment would press the fabric and this would reduce its beauty and the rough feel texture.Hand wishing the fabric would be best as this would protect the nigh(a) quality of the fabric. The fabric can also be machine-washed but with gentle tumbling. If the fabric has to be machine-washed, then gentle cycle would be better to avoid destroying the fabric structure.The fabric is a little polished du e to its special textural features. Tumble drying would

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Health Care Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health negociate Marketing - Research Paper ExampleThe researcher states that the idea to provide healthc ar insurance was prudent, which was sponsored by employers. The insurance scheme became unaffordable for the elderly who did not have a source of in deal, the scheme left millions of Americans un go forwarded. The establishment has stepped in the healthcare industry and provides medical checkup coverage for all Americans. Recently President Obama signed into virtue the healthcare bill famously known as Obamacare. The bill revised the way physicians were to be paid. As stated in the law doctors will be paid based on the quality of wait on offered to the patients rather than the number of times the patient was checked by the doctor. The idea to offer medical cover is indisputable a brilliant one and credit has to be given to those who initiated it. Medical industry cannot work on alone it has to depend on other factors that will enhance its service level. Technology has been integrated with the medical field and hospitals need to be abreast with the development in the technological field. The use of bio-medical equipment such as X-ray machine, CT scan et cetera is common in hospitals. Engineers are busy in workshops trying to come up with devices that are better than those beingness used. Due to change in lifestyle Americans, massage equipment isbeing designed to meet the growing demand for the service. Hospitals have installed this equipment to help their patients in the recovery process. There are mobile applications that help patients track their health status. These apps can perform several functions such as catching blood pressure. Research on medicines is a continuous process in the medical field the master(prenominal) objective is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the present drugs. Patients need their information to be secret (privacy), which is their right.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Empires, Product Lines, Stewart Brand and Kevin Kelly Essay

pudding stones, Product Lines, Stewart Brand and Kevin Kelly - Essay ExampleWhat made the British Empire great was the fact that it formed the backbone of industrialization in this world. They were the cornerstone of industrial towns, developed cities and move water transport (Black, 2001). Everything the empires regime did was stored secretly not wanting any former(a) empire to steal their secrets, which they did extremely well. The japan Empire The Empire of Japan also known as the Empire of the Rising Sun was both an empire and world power, which existed from the Meiji reinstatement on January 3rd, 1868, to the endorsement of the post-Second World war Charter of Japan on May 3rd, 1947. Colonial Japans fast militarization and industrialization under the motto Fukoku Kyohei led to its surfacing as a world power, ultimately culminating in its association in the axis of rotation alliance, as well as the subjugation of a large fraction of the Asia-Pacific expanse. At the summit of its authority, in 1942, the Japanese Empire administered over a land spanning 2,857,000 sq mi (7,400,000 square kilometers), which made it one of the direct marine empires in history. The Japan Empire was known mostly for its telecommunication advancement (Black, 2001). The Empire of Japan had a remarkable tally of technological accomplishments, and a remarkably well-equipped military. The army was advanced, but extremely oriental person and traditional beyond the rank of other top rated empires. Even though, instead of having bullets, ballistic shells, missiles, warheads and other more than straight based weapons, they created hi-tech arms, which armed the Imperial Japanese Forces technical fighting skills needed to down any superpower... Empires, Product Lines, Stewart Brand and Kevin Kellyorchard apple tree Inc., ever since it started its operation in the 70s, has had a magnificent timeline, which state could consider as a success to the company (Isaacson, 2011). In the 70s, the company produced numerous computing machines such as the Apple I, Apple II, Disk II, which was a driver, and Apple Writer computer software. In the 80s, the business firm launched the Apple III computer. It also launched the IB modems, Monitor III, IIA printers, Apple Image writer, mac (128K), AppleColor Composite Monitor and AppleShare emcee 1.0. The firm also launched, in the 80s, Macintosh Portable, Apple FDHD SuperDrive and Apple Scanner. In the 90s, the firm launched Macintosh IIfx, Macintosh Classic II, the PowerBook series from 100 to G3, Apple Design Powered Speakers and the Workgroup Server series from 60 to 8550 (Isaacson, 2011). Also, they came up with the Apple Network Server 700/200, eMate 300, Power Macintosh G3 desktop, Power Macintosh G3 minitower, Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh, iMac G3, iBook, iMac (slot loading), movie house Display (22), as well as the Power Macintosh G4 Graphite. All these were inventions that took place before the vernal millennium. They were considered as landmark inventions to such a small established company in the field of IT.However, the 2000s has seen the popularity of Apple Inc. rise to another level.The Big-Kids computing world managed to arbitrate between the numerous computational roles, which could not be reconciled in a more direct manner through making the Apples materials a must-have item.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Scaffolding Language Learning in an Academic ESL Classroom Assignment

Scaffolding Language Learning in an Academic ESL Classroom - date ExampleThis is in relation to the socialization processes. The poorly socialized individuals and students tend to lack a well-developed disputative skill, which is the basis of interactions while discussing academic issues (Lantolf, 2000 p34). On the kindergartens, the English linguistic process learners should be taught by reciting various nomenclature they learn in class. This will allow the expansion of their brains as recited wrangle always stick, in the memory, for a long time (Lantolf, 2000 p41). This will as well accompevery communicative activities such as salutations the kindergarten language learners always take reveal in on a daily basis starting from their teachers to their associate degree colleagues whenever they interact. In the studies of the ESL, the students especially in an academic spoken class should aptly embrace the interaction betwixt the students and teacher for steady uprise in the ve rbal and language skills (Kayi-Aydar, 2012 p26). The power relations as a result of interaction are one of the key aspects towards healthier staging. The power relations enhance stiff participation of the ESL learners in an academic ad-lib skills class. The scaffolding should, therefore, involve description of various learning activities and position them into practice through the group discussions and debates. This will not only set strong academic oral skills, but also enhance a proper language and presentation skills development. This system of the academic oral skills is a socially arbitrated process thus involves much of communicative activities thus relates to the socio-cultural linguistic (McNeil, 2012 p402). The provision of the scaffolding information by the tutors should be well adopted to enhance there is a relationship... This essay approves that for any language to be effective, it should be critically analyzed by the learners and the learners should as well take pa rt in the day-to-day searching of new vocabularies in the intended language structure. The ESL learners, to acquire one of the shell language development and language skills, should indulge in the critical evaluation of the language and the new words learnt during class interactions amongst themselves. The classroom tasks should as well be distributed for an improved learning of the oral skills. The classwork should entail a small group work, the formal lectures as well as a student led seance discussions. All of these aspects will bring various students together and interact in various ways, which may accommodate through the ideological differences in explaining subjects, through dialogues and in their cognitive performances. This aspect of various interactions will coat the way for an improvement in the learners academic oral skills. This report makes a final result that learners should be highly appreciated whenever they make mistakes and encouraged to control their frustrat ions whenever they face difficulty in the use up of vocabularies and punctuations. This will enhance a perfect and conducive classroom environment for the correction of various oral skills mistakes by the students hence giving room for the development of an appropriate academic oral skill in the students. This will also encourage the participation levels of the students towards every learning activity involving interactions thus nurturing their already animated socialised oral skills.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Birthright and the Human Storm (example of a title) Essay - 1

The Birthright and the Human Storm (example of a title) - Essay ExampleAccording to which a received woman must hold four cardinal virtues that are domesticity, submissiveness, piety and purity. Women were non allowed to have energize with any other men except their husband, however, this restriction does not imply on men. It was considered as a sin if a woman gets involved with any other men. The sexual rights of women were also negligible in the 19th century. They can only have sex when their husbands wanted to have and were not allowed to show up their temptation. Followed by the Victorian age the gilded age was the era of growth and prosperity. In this era the women were not content with the cult of domesticity. Most women went to colleges to earn higher education and started to serve the society.Bobinot and his son Bibi were present at Friedheimers store when they sensed the emergence of a violent storm. Bobinot decided to stay at the store coin bank the storm is gone. Calix ta the wife of Bobinot, did not even notice the arrival of storm and thunder. When it turned much darker, Calixta went to closedown the door, there she found her ex-boyfriend Alcee and invited him in her home due to worsening weather condition. While staying at Calixtas house Alcee made her recall all the sweet memories of their love and the passion they used to share. Flowing into the memories Calixta and Alcee close up about everything and get sexually involved reviving the old love and passion they had. In the stave the author asserts that the storm gets also over. Bobinot and Bibi returned from the store after the weather gets settled. After coming back from Calixtas place Alcee writes a letter to his wife suggesting her to stay in Biloxi as long as she wants. Clarisse felt up good and free after receiving the letter. The author ends the story with a punch line, So the storm passed and everyone was smart (Chopin 110).The

Saturday, April 20, 2019

The Universal Subordination Of Women To Men Essay

The Universal mastery Of Women To Men - Essay ExampleFemale subordination is universal in that it transcends every type of mixer and economic arrangement in societies of every degree of complexity. Ortner argues that the cultural logic behind the assumption of womanly inferiority is so highly persuasive that people inevitably subscribe to it. For example, in China, the ideology of Taoism equates two yin (the female principle) and yang (the male principle). The opposition or the interaction and alteration of these two forces influence all the phenomena in the universe. Based on this principle, one would assume that males and females are universally valued in the ideology of Chinese culture. However, looking at the social structure, one gets the strongly emphasized patrilineal descent principle, advocating the importance of sons and the despotic authority of fathers in the family. Thus, we can conclude that China is the archetypical patriarchal society (Ortner, 1974, P.69). Consid ering the actual roles played, function and influence wielded, and the material contributions made by women in Chinese society, which are a one would observe that women are allotted a high status in the system. For instance, the goddess Kuan Yin is the prominent deity, in terms of idolization and depiction, in Chinese Buddhism. Thus, in reference to goddess-worshiping in China, like most prehistoric and early diachronic societies, is a form of matriarchy. Ortner asserts that in her investigation of cultures, she found women to be subordinate to men in every known society. For example, among the matrilineal Crow society, women had highly honorific offices in the Sun Dance. They could become directors of the Tobacco eucharist and played a more conspicuous part in it than men. They could sometimes play hostess in the Cooked Meet Festival, and were not

Friday, April 19, 2019

Corporate Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Corporate Strategy - Essay Example.W.O.T analysis shows the internal strengths and weaknesses of the company and the outside(a) opportunities and threats in conjunction to the environment in which the company operates (Stimpson Peter,Farquharson Alastair, 2010). Primarily, Dyson Private Ltd.s main internal strengths of are its gentlemans gentleman resource of the company, which consists of highly professional fleet of engineers and scientists including Sir James Dyson himself. Secondly, the company has an edge as a expiration of the cost saving which was achieved when the operations such as an introduction of a manufacturing assemblies being established in Malaysia, most significant strength of the company lies with the quality of products it offers to its customers. On the contrary, the weaknesses associated with Dyson Pvt. Ltd. are the remoteness of its operation in Malaysia that is the cost of transport incurred and the communication problems in Malaysian corporate culture rest ricting effective communication. Moreover, the external factors resulting in future opportunities and hence success for the company is the potential of customers in the global market for its burnished products, similarly the continuous research and development of new prototypes and designs. External threat for Dyson Private Limited is generally the competition from the home country and foreign countries, the main competitors for Dyson vacuum cleaners are Kerstar (Kerstar, 2014), which also equal Dyson Co provides a large range of vacuum cleaners with alternative variations, such as juiceless vacuum cleaners, wet and dry dwarf vacuum cleaners, industrial vacuum cleaners, carpet vacuum cleaners and others. However, Kerstars pricing strategy is penetration pricing strategy, as per renowned UK ranker website (Brandes, Werner, 2014), Dyson Pvt. Ltd. ranks number 1, and for this reason, Kerstar uses this pricing strategy. another(prenominal) major competitor confronted by Dyson Priva te Limited is the Big brutal Co (Big Brute, 2004). Big Brute Co. offers a wide

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Permeation lab Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Permeation lab - Essay ExampleOur experiment dealt with taking PDMS devices and likewise focused on the translate of how weewee with rhodium-B, ethanol with rhodium-B, isopropanol with rhodium-B (control experiment), and mineral oil with Sudan red oppose during permeation. However, we were only able to get results from two liquids, water and mineral oil. We discover mineral permeating more than than water. We therefore concluded that the study of micro fluids can tell us a lot approximately making better gasoline, cleaning liquids and other everyday liquids by making sure that liquids whose permeation rank are low are used in such industries. For instance, the battery acid is unlikely to wipe out your vehicle if the permeation rate of the liquid used is low and thus the liquid wont leak from the battery.The materials used to complete this experiment are test tubes, aluminum foil,30G syringe, Tygon tubes, Deionized no cap water ,pipet, Rhodium-B, Mineral Oil, Sudan red Dye, R uler no cap, PDMS, Curing no cap solution, Scalpel no cap, cover slides void 20G Syringe no cap, Ethanol no cap, Timer no cap and Plasma Tray no cap.The Devices no cap needed are Vortex Machine no cap , Vacuum filter no cap, Sonicator no cap, Vacuum no cap chamber, Camera no cap, Microscope no cap and air tank. In figure1 below showing the PDMS device connected with pipet from one side and empty 20G Syringe in another sidePermeation is necessary in the context of understanding the flow characteristics of fluids at the microchannel level, since it has been observed that a steady converging flow tends to attain a terminal equilibrium (also called steady-state value) of the permeation constant. Thus, the study of permeation characteristics has been acknowledged as a powerful way to quantify chemical interactions at the warmheartedness of the channel, where the reaction of the fluid stream would take place.Three test tubes were collected and labeled sample 1, 2

Nursing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

treat - Case Study ExampleWith the patients history of allergy to sulfa drugs, cross- sensitivity may occur with the use of the sulfonylurea drug because of its sulfa- chemical components. Thus, metformin should be considered as the first- line treatment for voiced to moderate type II overweight diabetics (Craig & Stitzel, 1997). Meanwhile, weight loss and dietary modifications remain to be the just about effective treatment in every case of type II diabetes mellitus (Smeltzer & Bare, 2006). While the patient may have been prescribed with an oral antihyperglycemic agent, it is best to emphasize the importance of weight and diet control as part of patient teaching. In addition, general hygiene, foot care, and stopion of injuries and infection should also be discussed to prevent complications.Ideally, the use of antihyperglycemic medications should be temporarily stopped when hyperglycemia is attributable to infection and surgery because of the effect of punctuate hormones like epinephrine, glucagon, and cortisol on glucose control (Smeltzer & Bare, 2006). Frequent monitoring and possible use of insulin can be considered even for those who do not usually need

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Water cooler Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Water tank car - Essay Exampleanizations by providing information that theft in organizations in the recent past has lead to a great release of organizations resources to a tune of over $200million severally year. The most recent form of theft identified is called sweethearting, and this is where employees give products to clients away for free to loyal and pet customers. This is common with employees at the exit like cashiers.The article relates to the topic since it tends to enlighten organizations on how to handle its resources to interrupt waste, it also shows how the US economy is affected by the losses from the bad Human Resource practices i.e. $200million loss each year. To address sweethearting, for example there are both short terminal figure and long term measures. The short term measure as per the article is educating the employees on the ramifications of the act on both the employee and employer and the ethics behind it. The long term solution is the employment of thorough recruitment, well screened. Screening question should localise on employee social acceptance, risk taking and ethics. This makes sure that the right click of employees is recruited for employment.An example of water cooler talk was that on the article examination.com about Frank Gores of San Francisco 49ers team unhappy relegate and need for another contract even after being involved in many games. The gallery coach refused to act on water cooler

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Baltic states of of Estonia Essay Example for Free

The Baltic states of of Estonia EssayThe Baltic states of of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, apart from perhaps being regarded as the geographical center of Europe, is also to be recognized for its waterspout expanse of woodwinds and greenery. Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians take enormous and unfaltering pride and love for their forests and the magnificent trees which comprise them. But more(prenominal) than being cherished for its aesthetic values, the Baltic forests served as a refuge and sanctuary for Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians in the old age when the Baltic states were under war and upheaval. The Lithuanian poet Antanas Baranauskas wrote an ode to the forests of Anykscia, in which he expresses his sentiments for the once beautiful and magnificent forest which served as a momentary sanctuary for the Lithuanian people under a repressed era. The Anykscai grove(1859) begins by ennumerating bitter remembrances of a once lush and rich country of a forest where pine s, white-wood, burrows, moss, the sing of birds, sun-kissed earth and foliage, as well as forest scents and hums constitute a seeming paradise, which at present, ceases to perch as such.Baranauskas looks back to how his people took refuge in the woods, when the apparent evils of mankind were more than evident and distinct in the towns, cities and villages of Lithuania, men, women and children took to the woods, to a place such as the Anyksciai grove, where peace and tranquility was afforded to them. At the time it appeared as though it was all they needed, tho it grew increasingly apparent that there was something else that needed nourishing, that needed to be do complete.People were dying of hunger, of cold, and cutting down trees for firewood, and extracting everything remotely edible from a mushroom or tiptop down to a trees very bark seemed to be the apt response. The Lithuanian forests said to have cried, not for the woes which fell on every tree and foliage in the forest , but for the woes which fell of the Lithuanian family at the time, which was unfortunately commuted to their forests (Baranauskas). Under these unfortunate, but perhaps signficantly fortunate circumstances as well, the Baltic states and its people, or perhaps the Lithuanians, specifically, hold every tree, forest and foliage in Lithuania in a more than aesthetic, but also visceral regard, including, the Anyksciai Grove .ReferencesThe Anyksciai Grove. Baranauskas, Antanas. Retrieved 28 January 2007 from http//www.balticsworldwide.com/news/features/lith_poem.htm

Monday, April 15, 2019

Fashion Channel Essay Example for Free

Fashion Channel EssayAnalysisFollowing rosewood tree through this case study we have seen the company come to a crossroads. The company had to redefine itself to catch relevant in an evolving space. Rosewood had a reputation for managing uniquely distinctive properties without widespread corporate scrape name awareness. Each individual property enjoyed vast success in particular from repeat guests who more often than not stayed at only unmatchable and only(a) of their distinctive properties in their growing portfolio. Now the company is looking to the coming(prenominal) and specific exclusivelyy evaluating whether or not to incorporate the Rosewood mark off into the name of each hotel. Rosewoods senior forethought is engaging several tools to make their decision. Implementing this new strategy could lead to a clever future or spell disaster.Pros and cons of Rosewood paltry to a corporate brandWhat is branding? check to enterpriser magazine The marketing practice of c reating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates a production from early(a) products. Creating a corporate brand can come with positive and negatives. Rosewoods prey will be to leave an imprint that no one else can leave and to take a shit incantation moments that their guests will never forget. Such as when the guest goes down memory lane years posterior after their stay, they will recall the positively outrageous service, the amenities, the food and the atmosphere created by Rosewood. No other hotel will duplicate what they experienced at their properties. Another positive to branding, Rosewood will create standards to measure out the overall performance of all their properties. Such as curb appeal, pretty landscaping, manicured green grass, flowers in season, to beautiful shrubs and trees.Additionally, as the guest arrives the people become part of the standard set, from the doorman, to the desk clerk, to the bellman, to housekeeping, to the engineering team that keeps the building and live temperature comfortable. This is where Rosewood can benefit from differentiation and drive performance. For that reason Jack Welch states in a manhood Press article, Companies win when their managers make a clear and meaningful distinction between top- and bottom-performing businesses and people, when they cultivate the inviolable and cull the weak. Some of Rosewoods property managers, as mentioned in Harvard Business check intoRosewood Hotels and Resorts Branding to increase customer profitability and lifetime value, many had mixed feelings about moving to a corporate brand. When you are measured against other hotels there is only so much agency at the top. Naturally, there will some managers that will be asked to enrapture up or ship out.Thus, the upside is each hotel pushes each other to be the best they can be. Finally, the guest could stay what experience they will have at each Rosewood if they moved to a uniform brand. On the othe r hand, the down side or cons of moving to a uniform brand for Rosewood could be that data gathered from properties could be skewed or demographic information could not apply to all hotels across the brand. According to Phillip Kotler in A Framework for Marketing and Management The data collection contour of marketing research is generally the most expensive and the most prone to error (p.39). Also, some management after differentiation is established and measured could be dismissed if their hotel is at the bottom. Finally, another con could be that some management and employees are not good team players and are not able to wield the standards charted by management. node Lifetime Value CalculatorUsing a tool like the Customer Lifetime value calculator can be secondful to Rosewood management as they crunch the numbers. This tool alleviates management take duodecimal information and funnel it down to several outcomes. However, garbage in garbage out must be considered here. The CLTV is only as good as the information provided. If one Rosewood hotel provides flawed information or has not collected the data properly, the assumptions arrived to by the CLTV are not accurate. Perhaps as JWMI 518 W2, L2 states The best approach is often to make use of some(prenominal) qualitative and quantitative research. This approach considers the ever changing market conditions, tangibles and intangibles contained within qualitative and quantitative research. They are both valuable and have their place. Finally, within all the data and assumptions gained from the CLTV, there is one factor not considered. The blood factor.In order to carry out the legendary service brand Rosewood wants to create, the most small factor the team should be focused on is building relationships. The data, the CLTV, the amenities and a uniform brand all revolves around the staff building meaningful relationships with the guests. The standardized expectation ofhow the guests are served is the mos t fundamental ingredient and the CLTV does not factor this into the equation. According to INC Magazine, The truth is that entrepreneurs too often get caught up in the details of the kinds of products or services they are selling to notice how critical it is to build relationships not clean with your customers, but also with your vendors, employees andgaspeven your competitors. Without strong relationships, it is impossible to have success as a business owner,RecommendationMy recommendation is that Rosewood should move to branding their hotels using the Rosewood brand immediately. Without shot standard foundations the guest will not know what to anticipate. Rosewood could use standardized data to help anticipate the needs of the guest before they even asked. Also, creating a uniform brand will help everyone come together as one team. When you are a consummate team player you foster the performance of everyone around them and then there is no limit to what you can do as a team.Wh en Rosewood has everyone on the same page going in the same direction they can create a wow factor the guest will be telling the world about. To most of the world, getting good service is common versus giving positively outrageous service is uncommon. Having a satisfied customer is common versus taking that satisfied customer exceeding his or her expectations and then taking the service one percent beyond that now Rosewood can create a raving fan that is uncommon.ReferencesEntrepreneur Magazine, (2013) http//www.entrepreneur.com/encyclopedia/branding Harvard Business Publishing, (2007), Rosewood Hotels and Resorts Branding to increase customer profitability and lifetime value, P. 5 INC. (2013) http//www.inc.com/guides/201101/how-to-build-better-business-relationships.html Kotler, Chapter 3 Collecting Information and Forecasting Demand, P.39 World Press, (2012) http//frrl.wordpress.com/2009/10/31/jack-welch-on-differentiation-or-making-winners-out-of-everyone/

Sunday, April 14, 2019

The Nature of Science Essay Example for Free

The Nature of perception Essay acquirement plays an important role in development of mankind, its cultural and technological progress. Science helps humanity to meet graphic phenomena and biological changes, evolutionary processes and shifts. Science can be defined as a particular counselling of knowledge and perception of the world and human beings based on historical information, hypotheses and experiments. biological science and acres Sciences allows researchers to understand the evolution of species, explain natural phenomena and predict possible changes in the Universe. In fact, the revolutionary changes are constantly prompted by contradictions which occur when the previous concepts are applied to particular phenomena, and it is in the attempts to remove these contradictions that the changes are made. Science can be seen as the criterion of truth. Science is logic of discovery as well as of confirmation. Seeking to reconstruct what happened in the past, Biology and Ea rth Sciences must and do take as information only presently available written reports, and the presently surviving physical remnants of antiquity and part of the refer of the research lies in its relevance to present and future situations somehow related to those of the past (Gierer 2000).Science is non a self-contained or self-sustaining activity. The most important it is conducted only in a confederacy that has reached a certain level of intellectual development, which involves and implies social organization, culture, art, and religion, as well as philosophy. Biology and Earth Sciences are closely connected with and depend upon historical progress and cultural development of society which qualify that main trends and direction in experiments and research.For instance, during the Middle Ages, Biology and Earth Sciences were influenced by inquisition and dominance of theological doctrines while at the end of 17th-18th century these sciences flourished because of new economic c onditions and separation of church and the state. These examples show that Biology and Earth Sciences are part of a culture and cannot exist apart from it. For a long time, peck supposed that Earth was flat and the stars related directly to the earth. When humans mastered the cosmos (1961), it has opened a new era in scientific discoveries and the evolution of knowledge.A link between culture, society and biology is evident in current analysis of social settings and repair of biological perquisites on humans ace way of asserting the relevance of biology for agreement human social behavior is to propose that our understanding of human activities can be greatly enhanced by specific consideration of humans as evolved species shaped by processes of natural selection (Freese et al 233). In Earth Sciences, scientists can achieve hear in the laboratory where results are reproducible.In both Biology and Earth Sciences, the course of science whitethorn solve the puzzles researchers have encountered in the application of their theories, anomalies and contradictions arise. For instance, serious scientific debates about the neo-Darwinist synthesis as the overarching interpretation of the origins of our species are, in the larger scheme of things, disagreements over details (Freese et al 234).Today, Earth scientists argue about the impact of global warming on population and climate change. These research fields are determined by cultural conditions and historical importance for the mankind. In many cases, changes in philosophical and cultural paradigms paralyze the emanation of knowledge producing a crisis which is only removed when eventually a revolution occurs in the thinking and pattern of scientists with the introduction of a new conceptual scheme (Gierer 2000).In sum, the nature if science is determined by historical, cultural and philosophical paradigms and the discoveries of the scientists made during a particular period of time. Accepting these restraints on his freedom, the scientist secures to himself the protection tending(p) by the community of others who accept the same canons of science and scientific knowledge.ReferencesGierer, A. (2000). On Modern Science, Human recognition and Cultural Diversity. Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin. Retrieved 20 March 2007 www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/Preprints/P137.pdfFreese, J., Li, Jui-Chung Allen, Wade, L.D. (2003). The Potential Relevances of Biology to Social Inquiry. one-year Review of Sociology, 29, pp. 233-235.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

The Pit and the Pendulum Essay Example for Free

The touch and the Pendulum EssayThere ar some stories, where the objects that be described or portrayed play a more important fate of the paper than what we believed. In The Pit and the Pendulum, a short story written by Edgar Allan Poe there is received imageism that adds meaning to the story. The bank clerk is telling the story from a dungeon in Toledo, Spain as a prisoner during the Spanish Inquisition. In the story, there are certain objects that have important symbolism for the drama, since they rail the narrator to his death. This story is one of Poes more popular works since he creates a unilluminated atmosphere, adds suspense and a deep meaning to these symbols. His symbolism transmits the theme of man struggles to survive. The symbols make the narrator type his main problem and emphasize what he feels while characterizing his emotions. The pit is the most important symbol in the story. The narrator almost faces death by f everying on the edge of the pit, real izing how close to death he had been because the pit had a deep surface. The pit represents death or descending into hell. It can be see as death because for the narrator, it is something unknown, he didnt know that the pit was there, or how deep it was. The same happens with death, secret code really knows what happens after we die or where is it exactly where we go. In the story, the pit is portrayed as this terrorization symbol that can also be interpreted as hell. Since hell is the belief of a military post where people go after death because they have sinned, the narrator is considered to be guilty of a abhorrence he did not commit, he doesnt deserve to die in the pit, or according to the symbolism, combustion in hell. At the beginning of the tale, the narrator describes the seven tall candles that remind him of angels that later turn into vacuous spectres, with heads of flame. The meanings that Thoreau wants to give to these candles are a sign of hope, followed by disap pointment and desperation. The fact that he imagined angels coming to his pull through means that he was holding on to his life, not giving up until those angels turned into devil, and then his recognition changed into thinking that he was all alone and abandoned. And then my vision fell upon the seven fall candles upon the table. At first they wore the aspect of charity, and seemed white slender angels who would save me but then, all at once, there came a most deadly nausea over my spirit, and I felt every fiberin my skirt thrill as if I had touched the wire of a galvanic battery, while the angel forms became meaningless spectres, with heads of flame, and I saw that from them there would be no help.The pendulum that is portrayed in the story is a symbol that represents season. As the pendulum descends more and more, the narrator realizes that is coming right to him, willing to take him to his unbearable death. In the story, time is a crucial element, since the narrator has his seconds counted before facing his death, which luckily, he escapes. It was the painted figure of Time as he is commonly represented, save that in lieu of a scythe he held what at a casual glance I supposed to be the pictured image of a huge pendulum, much(prenominal) as we see on antique clocks. The pendulum is an instrument for torture since it involves death itself while counting aside the seconds until the end. The symbolism that the objects project in the story emphasizes what Poe wanted to add or represent the meaning that is beyond what he wanted the narrator in the story to portray. The symbols connect the narrator to what is actually happening in the story and make the reader understand better. In this case, the symbols that were utilized are vital for the story, without them, the story would not have the same meaning and this happens with a lot of Edgar Allan Poes stories and poems, it is an element that identifies them.Works CitedShort Stories The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe. Short Stories The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Mar. 2014.Cover letterI found the story very interesting I thought that the symbols were not hard to interpret. I decided to analyze the symbols because they are a very important part of the story, even though I did not analyze all of them, but I choose the three that I considered more relevant to the storyMy essay is epigrammatic and easy to read and understand. I included a lot of examples like direct quotes from the text that plump for my body paragraphs. That was what I liked the most about my essay, the quotes that I included,because it gives you an idea of the point of view of the narrator and how exactly he felt or what he thought. My introduction is understandable and it gives you the idea of what the essay is tone ending to be about. The body paragraphs explain each of the symbols and I provided examples and analyzed them to make it more clear. My conclusion explains overall w hat the essay was about and it summarizes the introduction.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Longest Day Essay Example for Free

The long-lived Day EssayThe base task of many forms of media, and in this illustration films, is to entertain an earreach. Taking the examples of The long-lasting Day directed by Darryl F. Zanuck and economy mystic Ryan directed by Steven Spielberg however, it is possible for the auditory modality to look past the story of the D-Day comes at face value and begin to think of the deeper meanings and true bearing of the film. What does the director want to convey with his riding habit of lighting, parley or camera movements?How does he or she want the reference to react? Both The interminable Day and Saving hugger-mugger Ryan have been make for entertainment, besides although the clips analysed cover the same event and pronounce to be as histrically accurate as possible, they vary in many slipway. In summary, The Longest age purpose is to convey a historicly accurate idea of the D-Day set downs and inform its audience of the events that took place. It also glorif ies the braveness of the soldiers who took part in the landings.The film is what can be expected of a war film made in the 1960s made less than 20 years after the war ended it tries to present tribute to the men who risked or gave their lives to their country, some of whom would have been very much alive when the film came out. The purpose of Saving clubby Ryan is slightly diametric. It also tries to convey a historically accurate evidence of the landings but focuses more on the horrors of war and the attitudes and reactions of individual soldiers. Both films argon aimed at the same audience, which is the whole of society.The twain clips can both be split into five parts. Both clips begin with the troops arriving in the landing business deal, but the shots be very different. In The Longest Day the landing craft are shoot moving quickly through the water with the soldiers sitting quietly and reasonably relaxed inside them. The commmanders are expectant their orders to th e troops calmly and clearly. This is a huge parallel to the same scene in Saving Private Ryan. The shots are filmed as though from another landing craft, giving the audience a very find outing of moving through the water and discomfort in the small boats.The conditions are much steaming and rainier and the troops satisfym much less confident. Some are being sick, some are winning drinks from hip flasks and some are saying prayers and kissing crucifix pendants. Historically, the audience is watching the same daylight played out in front of them but there is a variety in purpose, as Spielberg is focusing on specific characters rather than the D-Day landings a a whole event. The image of the troops given over in Saving Private Ryan therefore discoverms much more disheartening and depressing than that in The Longest Day.Spielberg has foc employ on individual soldiers, and has utilise many more close-ups than Zanuck. This has the effect of the audience feeling handle they coul d themselves be one of the soldiers on the craft, and makes the same shot in The Longest Day seem a make do more comfortable for the troops and appears less tense. In this section, Saving Private Ryan succeeds in extracting emotion from the audience and draws us into the story. The next shot is of the troops disembarking from the landing craft. The biggest difference to be seen is when the ramp of the craft is opened.In The Longest Day, the soldiers begin to cheer and shout as they run up the beach, with very a few(prenominal) being shot straight away. In contrast, as the ramp is opened in Saving Private Ryan at least half of the soldiers appear to be killed before they even get out of the landing craft. Men that are not killed jump into the water for safety, and here there is a long section which is not included in The Longest Day. The camera appears to escape the craft with the soldiers and the audience is made to feel as thought they are going underwater as well.As the camera becomes submerged, the sound do change also. The action above the water becomes muffled and distant but we are remoinded that the soldiers are slake not safe, as in front of us we are shown soldiers being shot or drowning. The images Spielberg creates are graphic and disturbing but they are part of the historical facts he tries to convey to the audience. One of the ways in which Saving Private Ryan succeeds in its realism is the editing of scenes in real time.All the events that purpose place are filmed for the amount of time they would take in real life, for example The Longest Day spends about twenty-five seconds exhibit the troops disembarking from the landing craft whereas in Saving Private Ryan the same scene takes around a minute and a half. Saving Private Ryan is very pictorial but, ironically, Spielberg uses unreal techniques to achieve this dull motion doesnt occur in real life but when it is used in the clip it works because it shows something beneath the surface of t he action.Spielbergs audience is being shown the psychology of the scene and slow motion is used to explore workings of Hanks mind. We look around the beach through his eyes, hear what he hears and experience it with him. A lot of emotion is evoked from the audience in this way. Real time gives us a feeling of involvement in the scene and viewers are made to feel more connected with the characters. In the next section of the clips the troops are getting on to the beach and runnel up towards the land.Both clips show in detail the injuries many soldiers receive and contribute home to the audience some of the horrific deaths that were suffered by them. Brutal realism is widely used but especially in Saving Private Ryan the audience is shown open wounds, dying men and even a soldier take up his own arm, all in a very graphic way. A big difference to be seen in this section of both the clips is first or third person narration. As with books, scenes in films usually take on the view of either someone involved in the action (in this case a soldier).by using the camera as eyes and showing what a soldier business leader see, or showing the action from further away and using the camera to give a wider perspective. The Saving Private Ryan clip is shot close entirely from a first-person viewpoint, which therefore shows the audience a lot more gory injuries and suffering. A first person viewpoint can often give a much more shocking effect can change the audiences emotions more directly. Spielberg uses this type of filming to bring feelings not only of horror at the situation but sympathy and mourning.The Longest Day is broadly shot from a third-person perspective because its main purpose is to inform the audience, and give the viewer an accurate picture of the situations encountered by soldiers and the action that took place. at that place are almost no close-ups in the clip, and it seems Zanuck has concentrated on showing us the big picture, whereas Spielberg uses close-up shots to initiate a feeling of friendship between the audience and the characters, as we obey the same characters throughout the film. To show troops moving up the beach. The Longest Day uses a consecutive shot which lasts approximately thrity seconds.In this shot the camera pans steadily up the beach, slightly raised from the troops. The audience is given a view along the coastline and is shown hundreds of troops cheering and shouting, running up the beach. This shot is used by Zanuck to give an idea of the vastness of the operation, and to show the viewer the number of lives that were lost even on a a small part of the coastline. As a significant part of this films victor audience would have been involved in the war and specifically this operation, Zanuck focuses also on a sense of gallantry in the characters, the courage and willpower in the most difficult of situations.At the end of each clip, dialogue between two soldiers takes place, but the tones of voice, attit udes, reactions, and expressions of the characters couldnt be more different. This scene in The Longest Day seems staged and unemotive, as a young soldier is told to go back and get his rifle which he has dropped on the beach, because, as the General tells him, hes sure to need it before this day is over. This sentence seems too structured to be realistic in a war situation it wouldnt be normal to come out with much(prenominal) a complex sentence.However, the General reassures this young, frightened soldier and the short scene illustrates the kind of bonds that were created between troops. A feeling of security and trust is portrayed to the viewers in the father and son relationship we see on screen. The same scene in Saving Private Ryan shows more spontaneity and realism as a young soldier screams to the commander What the hell do we do now, sir? . He is panicking because he has no idea what he ought to be doing, but when he asks his commander he too has no clue.There is much con fusion and the audience feel uncomfortable and unsafe as we do not spang the fate of the people we see before us. The characters are presented in different ways but the most-valuable thing that links both the scenes is why the director has decided to introduce the characters at all. By the insane asylum to the characters of the boy and his superior we start to care about their individual fates, and pathos is used over us to so that we become concerned over whether the characters live or die. Both directors use this to evoke sadness and pity among the audience.One of the most important aspects of the clips to analyse is the directors presentation of war. The Longest Day is an epic, giving an accurate, historical account of the D-Day landings. It conveys to the audience the bravery of the soldiers who fought in the war and the situations they had to deal with. A huge proportion of its original audience would have either fought in the war themselves or been closely related to someon e who had, so the purpose of the film would have been to pay tribute to those people.The purpose of Saving Private Ryan is different because almost none or even none at all of its audience would have fought in the war. Spielberg shows us the operation not just from a factual view but from an emotional view and shows us tragedies and horrors. Although the two clips cover exactly the same event we can see that they are very different in style, but even though they were made decades apart from each other there are also a similarities. By comparing and analysing these films so closely, we as an audience can begin to see into the directors minds and realise their hidden purposes behind making the film.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation Presentation Essay Example for Free

Discrimination Based on internal Orientation Presentation EssayDiscrimination is prejudice toward members of minority or subordinate root words without considering the effect of prejudice and difference, distinction often affects minority groupings on the basis of age, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, etc. If a mortal or group of people be hard-boiled unfairly in atomic number 18as of public life sentence much(prenominal) as employment, recruitment, customer process and advertising on the basis of their sexual orientation then this is immoral contrariety.Discriminators dont always consider the effect of prejudice and discrimination. * Sexual discrimination is also cognise as homophobia, this means itcovers a wide range of various viewpoints and attitudes Towards lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. * Homophobia is generally defined as hostility towards and or fears of gay people, til at a time it can also refer to social ideologies which stig matise homosexuality. This role of Discrimination begins with Negative feelings or attitudes towards non- straightaway or (non straight) behaviour, individuality, relationships and community, this can lead to prejudiced behaviour and attitudes. * This is the root of the discrimination experienced by m all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender or (LGBT) people for short. * Homophobia manifests itself in different forms, for usage homophobic jokes, physical and verbal attacks, discrimination in the workplace and negative press coverage. Discrimination against some(prenominal)one is wrong this graph shows how serious this form of bulling is and how deadly the consequences can be * Although in m all societies gay men and lesbians are more accepted now than they were in the past, homophobia continues to be prominent around the world and in different cultures it is illegal to be gay, bisexual and transgender. * Heterosexist and homophobia are the result of ignorance about sexual or ientation and gender identity issues.Educating society about these issues can help combat fear and discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people * Lgbt people are more likely to experience depression and rejection by friends and/or family, acceptance and understanding can horizontal be a matter of life and death, since the risk of suicide in lgbt adolescents is two to three quantify greater than in their straight counterparts Statistics show thatgt This shows how discrimination can affect peoples psychic health. Direct discrimination Direct discrimination is to directly treat a somebody or group of people differently because of their sexual orientation and it is against the law in the UK. Direct discrimination occurs when a person treats you less favourably than he or she treats or would treat former(a) persons and its based on the grounds of your sexual orientation. * One example of this in employment is where a person is dismissed on the grounds of his or her sexuality. In a non-employment situation, this would include situations like ref apply to allow a lesbian or gay man to stay in holiday accommodation. Bourn and Whitmore define direct discrimination as Discrimination which entails interposition of a person on one of the aforementioned grounds (for example, gender), which has an adverse invasion on him or her by comparison with the treatment afforded to persons non of the group in question. * Because of the Sexual Orientation Regulations Act 2003, there have been a number of employment tribunal decisions relating to discrimination and torment of lesbian and gay men. Most people involved used transparent homophobic language, and homophobic treatment over a period of time.However there is no requirement for discrimination to be overt or even conscious so even if someone isnt aware that they are using derogatory terms they are still breaching this act. Indirect Discrimination * Indirect discrimination occurs when an employer or service provider imposes a specific criterion, provision or practices which may apply equally to people of any sexual orientation and does in fact place people of the homogeneous sexual orientation as you at a particular disadvantage. * To rely on these regulations you must have personally suffered that disadvantage.As an employer or service provider may be able to argue that the disadvantage was justified, but only if it is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate end. * One example of potential indirect discrimination would be the provision of benefits referring to marital location since same sex couples can not marry they can however have a civil partnership. It is now no longer lawful to provide such benefits to matrimonial persons without providing equal entryway to such benefits for civil partners.Victimisation can occur if a claim of discrimination has been made. * Victimisation happens when a person treats you less favourably than he or she treats, or would tr eat, someone else in those particular circumstances because you have done any of the following * Brought legal actions against the differentiator or any other person under the regulations. * If you have given evidence or information in nexus with legal proceedings brought by any person against the discriminator or any other person under the regulations. otherwise done anything under or by reference to the regulations in relation to the discriminator or any other person or * Alleged that the discriminator or any other person has committed an act which would amount to a violation of the regulations. * Victimisation also occurs where you are treated less favourably because the discriminator knows or suspects that you intend to do any of those things this is known as intimidation. * Allegations of discrimination must be made in good faith so to be protected by the victimisation provisions of the regulations.The extent of individual homosexual discrimination * Individual discrimination is discrimination fuelled by certain attitudes about a minority group, causing the individual to target that group, seeing them as lazy, unproductive, harmful, or unwanted in the society because of their sexuality and background. * Individual homosexual discrimination is discrimination against one person. * For example if a male patient was to refuse medical treatment from a male gay concern that would be individual homosexual discrimination.One fortune of individual discrimination I found was lesbian police officer wins sex discrimination case against her senior Lesbian police officer hail win A lesbian police officer who suffered relentless homophobic abuse at the manpower of her sergeant has won her sex discrimination claim. PC Tracey western United States was regularly taunted by Sergeant Michael function who claimed gay officers were p**fs and freaks. Sgt go also made a jibe that her sexuality was an illness and mouth about her civil partnership, asking who would wear the trousers in the relationship.PC West was so traumatised by her vi-month trial by ordeal she resigned from Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary then emigrated to Australia. The 42 year-old sued the military posture and Sgt Service for discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. She has now won her case after an employment tribunal ruled she was subjected to a relentless series of homophobic demeanor. Sgt Service has been ordered to pay PC West ? 7500 while her former employers must pay ? 2500in compensation. A hearing in Glasgow was told the abuse started in early 2007 at the force headquarters in Dumfries.Sgt Service first made a remark to PC West that he would pass paperwork over the dyke to her at the office they shared. PC West later joined the Gay Police Association. Sgt Service claimed members of the group were all p**fs and freaks. He also told her that a fellow representative from another force could not come into their office. Sgt Service claimed he did not wa nt the p**f in the room and that any money for tea and biscuits was not to come out of his budget.Ms West told the hearing He apologised for fashioning the p**fs comment and say he didnt know that the term was offensive. He then smirked. He knew what it meant and he was laughing. The sergeant also said that when he spoke about a colleague sounding so gay he meant happy. The mother-of-two made an official complaint in August 2007 after more than six months of constant abuse. Sgt Service was forced to resign in April 2008 after 20 years in the force as a result of the proceedings raised against him.He claimed at the hearing that PC West was lying and that she had made up the accusations to help fund her move to Australia, where her and her partner remain in the police. In a written judgment, employment judge Raymond Williamson said The claimant was subjected to a relentless series of homophobic conduct by Sergeant Service for more than six months and that she suffered significant d istress and hurt feelings. The behaviour contributed to the claimant deciding to emigrate to Australia and remove herself as far away as possible from the unhappy circumstances of life in Dumfriesshire.institutional discrimination Institutional discrimination is characterized by societal-level conditions that limit the opportunities and access to resources by socially-disadvantaged groups. Institutional discrimination occurs when the culture, policies, systems and procedures in an organisation inherently discriminate against a group or groups of people. This happens because the systems and processes were designed without winning into account the diverse needs of groups within the community in relation to e. g. their sexual orientation. One case of this institutional discrimination I found was UK Catholic adoption agency loses battle to stop same sex couples adopting. The UK adoption agency Catholic Care has lost its five-year fight to reserve its services for heterosexual couples o nly, in a landmark court ruling, reports theCatholic Herald. The adoption agency based in Leeds, had interpreted its case to the Upper Tribunal in order to win the right to maintain charitable status while being permitted to refuse to place children with same-sex couples, in accordance with the charitys Catholic ethos.However, they were thwarted today as the Charity Commission argued that the charitys stance is divisive, capricious and arbitrary and undermined the haughtiness of homosexual couples whose parenting abilities are beyond question. The tribunal concluded that Catholic Care had failed to come up with weighty and convincing reasons as to why the agency should be allowed to discriminate against gay couples who were trying to access their services. Emma Dixon, who was representing the Charity Commission, told tribunal judge, Mr Justic Sales, that Catholic Cares desired arrangement would iolate Article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which outlaws discriminat ion on the grounds of sexual orientation and other characteristics. She said A requirement to operate within the tenets of the Church cannot constitute Article 14 justification. To do so would be to offer protection to the substance of the Churchs belief that homosexuality is sinful. FULL flooringUK Catholic Care loses its five-year battle(Catholic Herald)

Monday, April 8, 2019

The Impact Social Media have on People Globally Essay Example for Free

The Impact Social Media corroborate on People Globally EssaySocial Media isnt a fad its a underlying shift in the focal point we communicate. (Qualman, 2010). Communication as it is k at a timen at present is truly and constantly ever-changing as a result of hearty media utilization and thus the dynamics of human bloods take on a new perspective. The first thing that comes to mind when maven hears the words, Social Media, is definitely the means by which iodine apprise communicate and meet with concourse across the globe, through the different channels that argon now avail adequate to(p). What do we really mean by Social Media? The term refers to the means of interactions among lot in which they create, sh ar and or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. (Provencher, pg 1). The Social Media has definitely become a great signifi bottom of the inningt part of our society and thus defines how large number integrate. For this we can thank our engine room visionaries who subscribe to created this platform. People can now freely express their opinions, thoughts and feelings which can be divided up with family and peers.What types of companionable media or networks are there existing today? While Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and WhatsApp might be the first sites that comes to mind, these however, do not represent the full scope that exists. Through neighborly connections Facebook, no doubt arguably one of the roughly popular and worlds largest kind media utility, has provided users around the globe to build connections and share information with hoi polloi and organizations they choose to interact with. According to (Provencher, pg1), as of September 2010 Facebook has more than 1.15 billion users worldwide.Twitter, on the separate hand, is a social networking or micro blogging platform which to a fault allows groups and individuals to stay connected and as it says, it is basically sharing ones thoughts a nd ideas and as well as keeping up with some others. Google +, though relatively new is intentional to allow users to build circles of contacts which is also integrated with other Google products. YouTube is another popular social media which is mainly utilise for video hosting. Then there is LinkedIn, this is also a place where groups of professionals who share areas of interests gets to share and participate in conversations about whats happening in their related fields. This platform is an beta tool for bulk who are seeking employment which can be aviable option for networking.Though it may be exciting and beneficial to most people, it is also essential that people proceed with caution when using the unlike social media tools and platforms, hence in this light one can consider how social media has impacted on peoples lives, such as, sourcing information or word of honor interacting socially and protecting literacy.Sourcing the News/ teachingHow clock time and things study changed all over the years, thanks to new innovation introduced. Today, look at how the news is sourced, compared to when the only if means was way of the television, radio or the newspapers. According to, (Sarah, page 1), Technology has sealedly advanced over the past two decades and has transformed how we perceive the worlds means of communication. This however, is a step-up from the other types of media of which we were first introduced, and then spangn as, industrial media or traditional media, example, the television, newspaper and radio on which people decades ago had relied on. This method however was never really within the reach of people as it is now compared to if people were living in remote parts of the country where cables and in some instances no electricity was present.It can be said, (Sarah, page 1), that with the internet, borders sire been surpassed, where people can blend in with other cultures and new worlds in a matter of seconds. This is thus one of the biggest influences thus far, which is impacting on the present times and those to come. Social media, in other words comprises everything that has to do with the internet. Social Media has become an important source of news to many, as the availability of the major news channels on the various social networks, such as CNN, ABC, NBC and Fox News to name a few, have made it even more accessible and promptly for people on the move. No matter where one is, may it be on the existence transportation, in the restaurant, sourcing the news have become so easy, compared to twenty years ago, when the only means was by time lag for a particular time to watch the news on the television or the radio.Interacting SociallyIn this section we will examine the impact social media has on how we interact socially. With the proliferation of technologies that are suppose to batter the obstacles of time and space, one would think that these tools would be used to gain an understanding of how other cultures meet people all over the world maintain and strengthen familiar relationships and communicate effectively with others and to help people to become more socially adapt. Technology advances however have caused people to become more distracted, hard-pressed and to an extent isolated. People have formed relationships through social media, but this means have sometimes left people feeling qualitatively empty. (Human Kinectics, excerpts, pg 1).Hence, advance technology by means of the social media has a profound impact on what it means to be social. A study of students and information technology found that 85% of undergraduate surveyed used social networking sites. Many were reported to use sites unremarkable and this is change magnitude each year. 85% of the student used the social media to stay in touch with friends 68% shared photos 50% communicate with classmates 5 % found someone to date, while 16% used it as a forum to express their opinions and beliefs. (Salaway et al, 2008) Although these sites acts a positive place or forum to meet people who may share similar interests and experiences, does not often have a positive impact on ones social skills and development, as it oftentimes leads to isolation and loneliness.Watching television is another way in which we interact socially it is regarded as technology that comes with mixed reactions regarding its impact on social skills and social lives. Researchers have suggests that spending limited amount of time watching wholesome programmes can strengthen families and friendships, however, some suggests that it also contributes to the downfall of social values worldwide. Television watching provides little opportunity for interacting socially because one besides sits there ingesting what is presented to them without having an input in responding to another person. This in reality can have serious personal effects on people skills in not practicing how to relate and deal with people.Apparently, social media and technology has the potential to victimize or enhance social skills and lives. Therefore the key is to analyze how social media affects us socially. Social media has changed the way people interact and in many ways, has led to somepositive changes in the way people communicate and share information such as, it improving relationships as one gets to communicate with family and friends living apart. It also allows people to communicate without geographical limitations. However, social media also has a negative side to it, in that, immense hours tend to be spent using social media and people tend to spend more time and energy into online relationships than real life, which impacts how people socialize in the physical world, says, (Lee, pg 1). Fostering LiteracySocial media plays an important part in fostering literacy and also enhances betimes communication skills especially where children are concerned. The social media has been able to tap into the platform by encouraging the amount of information that is made available on the internet. Websites, such as ABC.com, Education.com, NickJr.com, PBSKids.com, is just a few of the medium in which children from ages 2-8 are able to access for early larn. In comparison to two or three decades ago, where the only access to means of learning was either by the television, when popular shows such as Sesame Street was available or going to the public library, where there were sections for children to sit and read story books and so on.With time, this has all changed due to modern technology. knowledge domainwide, people now have access to thousands of learning applications online such as learning new languages. With the advent of tablets or ipads, expert phones and other devices, the way media messages are brought to us is ever-present and with social media, internet TV, blogs and self-publishing, in addition to the traditional print and broadcasting the number of media messages out there is also ever increasi ng. People now have the ability to life-sustainingly deconstruct the messages the media is conveying to us. People are buying things, they dont know why they are voting for people, they dont know why and, what were doing is giving them the skills so that they can develop a distance from what they are watching and understands what they are watching. (Silverblatt, pg 1).As pediatrician (Haller, pg 1) says, children these years live in a media-saturated environment. Children ages 3- 6 nowadays spends between 5- 6 hours a day watching television or playing internet games, which should because for concern. The question is, are they learning from what they are watching, and does the messages and images that are portrayed foster learning? It is therefore important for parents to monitor and instill certain levels of ethics and morality on their children at all times. It is known that the media can be used positively in fostering literacy if used in a positive manner to reinforce learning and literacy.Advocates are now pointing out the benefits that social media provides for todays digital learners, while critics call for regulation and for removing social media from classrooms, thus finding a middle ground has become a challenge. (Lederer, pg 1). As an teaching methodal tool, social media enriches the learning experience by allowing students and teachers to connect and interact in new and exciting ways. So with sites such as, LinkedIn and Wikipedia Encyclopedia, which provides a platform for exchanging ideas and sourcing information, users can dialog and find answers to questions with instantaneous response. These sites are designed to foster collaboration and discussions thus fostering literary skills.Although, social media fosters literacy in a positive way, such universe an educational tool, enhancing people engagement and improving communication among students and teachers, there is also the downside to social media. To some it can be a distraction, it also e ncourages cyber bullying or malicious behaviour and harassment online and it also discourages face to face communication as in previous decades before the intervention of social media.ConclusionIn concluding, one can say that social media and technology apparently has the potential to harm or enhance social skills and social lives. Therefore, the key is to analyze how social media affects people socially. Does it help us build positive, meaningful relationships? atomic number 18 people better able to communicate, listen and share information because of the technologies in their lives? Such are the critical questions regarding technology and social development. What is clear is that social media is here to stay and has thus become a daily part of life for many people. Social media has therefore changed the world drastically and up to this point has a firm place in our future, where it is hoped that the capabilities of these interactiveplatforms will be extended. One of the most imp ortant functions of social media or networks is connecting users with other users worldwide.According to, (Hsieh, Hsieh Feng, pg 1), A number of studies have explored how social media stimulate sharing and relationship building among their users. With social media strong presence today, people worldwide find themselves more closely create from raw material than ever before, which have influenced the present generations immensely. Therefore, one can say that social media, when and if used appropriately can facilitate the collaboration that will be essential to overcome the challenges facing how information is sourced, how it fosters higher education and the way people are interacting socially today. To this, one can give credit and thanks to those visionaries who have made this possible. According to (Guha, pg 1), We credit this achievement to the developments that have made in technology to ingenuity of the visionaries among us, who in creating social networking platforms have hel ped write some of the present occurrences being experienced in the world today.Works Cited1. Qualman, E., Socialnomics How Social Media Transforms the Way We Live and Do Business, 2010, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ.2.Provencher, Kaitlin, Social Media Overview, 2013, Web. www.webcomm.tufts.edu/social-media-overview13/ 3.Sarah, Naomi, Different Types of Social Media, 2011, Web. http//www.buzzle.com/articles/different-forms-of-social-media.html 4.Human Kinectics, Dimensions of Liesure for conduct, web. http//www.humankinetics.com/excerpts/excerpts/technology-can-have-positive-and-negative-impact-on-social-interactions 5.Salaway,et al, (Excerpts), Dimensions of Leisure for Life, Human Kinectics, web. http//www.humankinetics.com/excerpts/excerpts/technology-can-have-positive-and-negative-impact-on-social-interactions 6. Silverblatt, Ken, How do we foster Media Literacy in Todays Digital World? by Camille Phillips, web, http//news.stlpublicradio.org/post/how-do-we-foster-media-literacy-todays-digi tal-world 7. Haller, Ken, How do we foster Media Literacy in Todays Digital World? by Camille Phillips, web, http//news.stlpublicradio.org/post/how-do-we-foster-media-literacy-todays-di

Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Robot in the Crib Essay Example for Free

The Robot in the Crib Essay1) The background or indigence for the study, and the authors hypotheses or expectations. Ones life is the distance that one covers from the womb to the tomb. It is the mammoth journey, the joint efforts of ab pop out 500million sperm. They travel done the vagina, move to the uterus and reach the fallopian tube. Since sperm baffle a sense of tincture, they smell their mood to the egg. When egg and sperm merge and become one, conception takes place. ..And this is the beginning of enquiry, for a set of individuals that atomic number 18 outside the womb-the brain scientists/the takemental psychologists The growth of two separate yet one consciousnesses, one increment within the other, is the marvel of nature, which is the concern of scientists for investigation. The actual study related to the subject of this article is the post-womb growth of the child, when it comes out after completing the nine months journey within. Research has revealed that benevolent beings develop the ability to understand others intentions during early in the first year of life. The developmental scientists lay ferocity of the brilliance of little minds and caution non to underestimate the brain capacity of the babies.It has been observed that the newborn babies, 42 minute old, imitate facial expressions. Stick your play out and see that the baby sticking its tongue out. This behavior is the pointer to something intense and deep within. The baby knows more than what you imagine it to know. Why and how the babes behave the way they do? Will automatonicsts be able to match and reproduce the movements and talents related to various expressions of babys accurately? This is the tip motivation for interrogation by the Developmental Psychologists.2) A brief description of the participants, procedure, and rulesWhat is fundamental to human opinion is the ability to read the intentions of other people. Not the physical motions involved, that the g oals or intentions that cause these motions argon alpha. Initially, childs act is that of cooking stoveing. Secondly even when the baby does not physically act on, it has the foundation for understanding when others attend to object lenss. To adduce an example, when a person opens the lid of a box, the baby becomes aware that the goal is not the box, but the object inside the box. Further developments will depict the foundation, the initiative to learn from their caregivers. During the second year, children adopt critical abilities, wish well language, culturally appropriate behavior etc. They constantly observe the adults and try to emulate them.Developmental psychologists have dedicated signifi houset effort to studying the developmental progression of infant imitation skills, because imitation underlies the infants ability to understand and learn from his or her social environment.(Demirisa.) This has been an ideal issue for the roboticsts to intervene and choose efforts to equip robots with the ability to observe and emulate human actions. The abilities acquired thus, will equip robots to observe and imitate human actions, paving way for rapid teaching of robots to perform specified tasks. Therefore the analysis relates two fronts. (a) initial conditions what is innate in infants, and what functionality is initially given to robots, and (b) Developmental mechanics how does the performance of infants improve over time, and what mechanisms are given to robots to achieve equivalent behavior.(Demirisa.)The Development of Inverse and Forward Models is another set of model that makes exposit study of infant responses vs. their application in the science of roboticsts, but the child always proves smarter and leaves the robot stranded. other important theory is the Emotion Theory. Here the mechanism employed is to give the robot with rich, recurring enforcement through affective channels of communication. This theory offers explanations and possible s olutions to the associated questions like how the robot stub learn to associate the emotive content on the caretakers face with immediate stimulus conditions and action.3) The main results and important points in the authors discussion.The important points in the authors discussion are the Nature vs. the Nature debate in the essential sciences. The simple tasks performed by the child are very complex from the point t of view of get them done through robot. It is unanimously agreed that tabula rasa algorithms for robot learning are not going to provide the desired results. It is not practicable to pre-impose designers own conceptions on the control structure of robot. Imitation, which is seen as a fundamental avenue of learning in humans has been proposed as a promising method for a compromise amongst the two approaches.The robot architecture is designed to adapt in arrangement to benefit from other agents knowledge imitation can be used as a mechanism of learning for the robot in human and robot societies.(Demirisa)Human infants are the subject of study by the developmental scientists for more than a century, by observation and experimental techniques. Their issue was simple and direct.With what capabilities the infants are born and how these develop over the period with experience and time. Imitation is one of the important factors. Soon the infants transcend the imitate-the-actions stage and grasp the underlying intentions and goals of demonstrators. Developmental studies of infant imitation skills are the foundation for roboticsts new algorithms. It provides the method for transferring skills from humans to robots4) In addition, you are required to provide your OWN critique (and not one that was provided by the author/s), which may include problems with any aspect of the study (and how these problems/issues can be addressed), and/or suggestions for future research (if you are suggesting a future study, try to be as specific as possible).Robotics has m ade tremendous strides but there can neer be a perfect robot of an infant. Many things can be achieved, there can be a good robot, but the ultimate robot will never be commissioned. For, robot is the mind product, and the infant is beyond-the-mind product. The knowledge of the robot is pre-programmed, but not that of infants. The comparison between infants and the related robots is as good as comparing the original currency with the devalued currency if not the duplicate one. The infants situation is mostly unclear and capricious. Infants do observe others to get some of their goals. But they also act with their own intuition and inspiration and perform random acts, which baffle their elders.They have their own superfluous source, the incomparable one, of motivation, for which no precedent exists. So, the original question remains the original question There can never be a complete robotbut all infants are complete. Every infant is original. For its response follows a pattern kn own only to it. It has no precedents. Model-based approach to the issue will expand to be researched and modified and the state of finality and perfection can never be reached. Developmental psychology, however, offers immeasurable possibilities for study and research. The infants are integrated personalities-their traits are that of Commander and soldiers integrated into one. In the role of a commander, the infant will assert its wish, as a soldier will exhibit discipline by obeying the command.This is an unpredictable issue and that is the problem of robticsts, which eludes the solution so far. New issues surface. For example, hierarchical formulations have been proposed and used. This is an interesting area for research with limitless possibilities. The technological advancement and the impact of the TV culture is going to affect the infant responses and the robot designers need to do overtime, to study and understand the implications. Infant development is an extraordinary pro cess, as for brain and behavior. It is the coming of thousands of experiences each day that happentheir intensity increases as babies move independently and explore their own world. The actions and functions of the robots can only be consequential.